Future OS NGD Data Enhancements

OS NGD delivery roadmap

In the future, we plan to deliver over 30 data enhancements to the OS NGD. As we design and develop these data enhancements, more details will be added to this page.

Recently delivered enhancements to the OS NGD are listed on the What's New? page

Planned data enhancements to the OS NGD


  • New attribution for buildings to provide additional information on the number of floors, building height and building status (built or under construction).

  • Attribution on building roofs (including roof shape, aspect, construction material, and presence of solar panels and green roofs)

  • Access locations for key public buildings

Land and Land Use

  • Even more land use sites for commercial, industrial, community, amenity, infrastructure, residential, and construction sites

  • Improved land use attribution in the Land Feature Type

  • Access purpose information for major public sites

  • Extending inter tidal areas to include obscured polygons beneath elevated structures

  • New attribution to indicate whether vacant or derelict land


  • Improved river width attribution

  • New feature types for continuous tidelines to complement the existing Tidal Boundary Feature Type


  • New attribution for cycle lanes, streetlights and bus lanes

Geographical Names

  • Enhanced names and places data, such as vernacular names, tunnels, and bridge interactions.


  • Ongoing improvements to address data regarding the consistency of address positioning, usage classifications, address lifecycle and business names

Administrative and Statistical Units

  • Improved alignment of administrative and electoral boundaries with topographic features, where appropriate

  • Addition of feature types for postcode points and enhanced postcode areas


  • Improved 'reason for change' metadata to make it easier for customers to identify change that is relevant to their use cases

Last updated